Welcome to the Boyd Wellness Wisdom Wonderland - Online and In-person education, events and experiences!

Jennifer Boyd is an investigator in hot pursuit of the holy grail of discovering what makes one optimally well.

She is the recipient of the prestigious Bergen award for clinical excellence, a Physician Assistant, Summa Cum Laude, a Reiki Master, and holds a Master's in Ecopsychology with a certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.

Jennifer has completed training in functional medicine, biological medicine, somatic movement therapy, darkfield microscopy, terrain auditing, organic land care, and multiple modalities for energetic healing such as Theta healing™ and Innerwise™. A natural-born psychic and trained medium, Jennifer brings to bear a unique combination of skills and passions to her ministry of healing all beings. She is humble in her efforts to continue to bring forward the many healing gifts she has received and continues to unearth. It is with great respect and honor that she brings to you this healing work.

You have a sacred set of information carefully cultivated to be easy to receive and clear to integrate. Jennifer hopes that this work will enrich your personal journey to wellness.

Available Products

Book Club: Provocative, meaningful reads with heart and tea!

A low-pressure, high-yielding monthly gleaning of transformative books. Move your intelligence and emotional quotient forward a notch each month while having fun and sipping tea!

Even if you don't finish the book, you'll love the conversation. Come for the connection and the great book list!

Every Month on the first Tuesday at 6:30pm in Redding, CT

Ketamine Assisted Therapy at Boyd Wellness

If you are Ketamine curious or about to start a Ketamine journey with Boyd Wellness then this short and interesting course is for you.

In this course:

  • We'll go over the what, why, and how of Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT).
  • You will get tips and exercises to get the most out of any psychedelic journey you do. 
  • You will find links to music for journeying
  • Literature on the mechanism and effects of Ketamine 

At the end, you will have a better idea about whether Ketamine assisted therapy is right for you.

Council: A Primer on the practice

At Boyd Wellness we use the practice of Council as a therapeutic tool, a ceremonial act, and as a social activity. To accommodate participants with varying amounts of experience with Council, I have created this short primer as a way to convey the basics and get new participants feeling at ease joining an already formed group.

We want you to feel welcome!

"Council is an ancient way and modern practice whose roots are within the natural world, spanning diverse cultures and religions. It seems more than ever an essential time in our nation and around the world, to awaken this deep relational heart-mind." Coyle, G.

We welcome you to join Council at Boyd Wellness. Upcoming Council event dates will be sent by email. Please be sure to join the email list to receive those invitations.

This brief module will acquaint you with the four agreements of Council and some of the rationale and protocols.

Immunity Support Express

The Express platform is the entry-level and is anything but basic!

Included in this level is a dynamic and consciously curated guide to your immune system. The material is presented in short, fun videos with handouts and links to further learning and products to help you on your journey. 

The layout is intuitive. The material is concise but warm and compassionate and more than sufficient to get you supporting your immune system in new and cutting-edge ways. 

Stress-free choosing: upgrade to the next level at any time! 

Nourish & Renew: an overnight experience at Boyd Wellness

Step into a world of authentic rejuvenation, where the experience is curated for your utmost well-being.

Welcome to the restorative sleepover at the Boyd Wellness haven nestled in the heart of nature, right in Fairfield County.

Too weary to vacation and depleted enough to secretly wish for a short stint in the hospital..sound familiar? When you're at the end of your rope and feel like you can't get the attentive care you need, now you have us! Not exactly medical, not entirely recreational, but 1000% restorative.

We specialize in creating deep reset experiences for clients struggling with a fraught nervous system and a beleaguered soul. If you're medically stable and need a place that is low-toxic load, organic, wifi-free, caring and compassionate then pack your pjs and book your spot. 

Join me, the farm animals, and Pickles, the office dog, for a restorative sleepover.

"I wasn't sick enough to need hospitalization but I was exhausted enough to wish I could go somewhere for a night - just one night away, somewhere, anywhere, where someone would bring me tea and tell me that everything is going to be ok. And if I could eat cleanly like my body needs and have some therapies too, well...that could change my life" - JD

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